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In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. - Hebrews 1:1-2. TNIV Our God is a speaking God. He loves us and has chosen to get His message to us in words. First there were the patriarchs and great prophets, and then there was the written record in the Scriptures.
But God's greatest message, His most powerful words, were not really words at all, but a person named Jesus of Nazareth, who is Christ and Lord of all. For us, His Church, to be what He wants us to be, we must not just look at Scripture, but we must also look at Him.
He is the key to understanding what Scripture means, and how it is to be lived. Loving Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, help me to see the work and purpose of Jesus more clearly. And as I open your word to seek and understand your will, guide me by your Spirit, so that I may know… "What Jesus would do?" In His wonderful and mighty name I pray.Be encouraged!
JOCK and Archie were staggering home after a lock-in at the pub, and with the bravado that only a 10-pint session brings, decided to take a shortcut through the cemetery. They had gone about 100 yards - reaching the darkest part of the graveyard, beside the trees, where the wind was softly brushing the branches, and just to make matters worse, the moon had just slipped behind the clouds. Suddenly, they were chilled to the marrow by a tap-tap-tapping noise coming from the misty shadows. Trembling with fear, they stumbled upon an old man with a hammer and chisel, chipping away at one of the headstones. "Jeezo, pal," said Archie after catching his breath, "You scared us half to death - we thought you were a ghost! What are you doing working here at this time of night?" "Those damn fools," grumbled the old man. "They spelled my name wrong." It was Jock who fainted first.Be encouraged!GBYAY
We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption, the redemption of our bodies. - Romans 8:22-23. Life can be very difficult at times. Anyone who has lived long knows this.
At the same time, even our worst nightmares are staging periods for our great redemption. Our loneliest moments are the waiting room for our final adoption into the very presence and family of the King of Ages. With the Spirit living inside us, we are assured of the ultimate destination of our lives, no matter where the current scene in life's drama places us.
So let's live as those who are assured of their final destination but have not yet finally arrived, and not as those who have made their home, and placed their hope in what is present. Our best days lie ahead!Loving Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, bless me with courage today so that I can face whatever obstacle may lie in my path, and give me the spirituality to do so with grace, dignity, and integrity, so that others may see my character and bring you glory. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged!
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. - Matthew 7:13-14. The world wants a Saviour but not a Lord. The New Testament is very clear, a Saviour who is not Lord, is no Saviour and no friend.If the Old Testament showed us anything, it is that God's seemingly strange laws were written not for his fascination, but for his people's preservation.
Let us not only call Jesus Lord this week, but let us live in a way that shows that He controls our lives, and His Spirit produces our character. Loving Father, I thank you that Jesus is my Saviour and LORD. Help me by the power of the Holy Spirit as you take control of my life and my will so that I may be totally yours, not just in word, but in thought and in deed as well. I ask this in the wonderful name of Jesus. Amen.Be encouraged!
Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. – Luke 5:18.
What is the fullest definition of a friend? The Bible offers us numerous definitions and examples. One of my favorite examples is this story of the paralyzed man whose friends went to great extremes to get him to Jesus. Their faith and their effort to get him to Jesus are the things that ultimately result in the man's forgiveness and healing. I don't know about you, but that's the kind of friend I want to be! Loving Father, help me by the power of the Holy Spirit to lead my friends to forgiveness and healing in Jesus. Give me the persistence and discretion to do this with gentleness and respect, without losing my sense of urgency to see them become Christians. In the wonderful and mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Be encouraged!
JOHN was sitting at home one evening, quietly watching the TV, when the doorbell rang. When he opened the front door, a 6ft tall cockroach was standing on the doorstep. Before John knew what was happening, the cockroach had punched him hard between the eyes and run off. The next evening, John was making a cup of tea when the doorbell rang. And when he answered the door, the cockroach was there again. This time, it punched him in the stomach, and karate-chopped him on the back of the neck as he doubled up in pain. Before John could get to his feet, the cockroach had run away. The third evening, John was again watching telly when the doorbell rang. Wary now, he opened the door halfway ... and the cockroach was there yet again. This time it shouldered the door open, leapt at John and stabbed him several times before running off.
Bleeding profusely, John managed to crawl to the telephone and dialled 999. An ambulance rushed him to intensive care, where they saved his life. The next morning, the doctor was doing his rounds. He asked John what had happened, so he explained about the 6ft cockroach's attacks. The doctor thought for a minute and said: "Yes, there's a nasty bug going around."