Sunday, June 10, 2007


Everyone will hate you because of me, but those who stand firm to the end will be saved. - Matthew 10:22.

Jesus' words are very strong! His emphasis is for a reason. Christians need to realise that they are not going to be the dominant culture. Discipleship can be hard and demanding; most folks want things simple and easy.

The values that disciples are called to put into place in their lives are not going to be the dominant cultural ones. "So be ready!" Jesus is telling us. "Be ready to face criticism and rejection." But while we know it may be an uphill battle to change the hearts of men and women, we can be God's tool to bless others and to lead them closer to him!

And for us, salvation in all its glory awaits us at the end of the journey.

Loving Heavenly Father, forgive me for the times I have grown impatient with the world around and started seeing it as the enemy rather than as the target of your grace. By the power of the Holy Spirit, give me the wisdom and the courage to balance my understanding of the world, with your passion to redeem it. In the wonderful and mighty name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Be encouraged.